Monday, June 11, 2007

Another Mickey Frickey Monday

Well Monday has rolled around again. And I am blessed that I was able to get up on my own, and get my behind to work, this morning. But I tell you what, I could live without a teenaged daughter, who thinks she's a s grown as I am. And is going to force me to put the smack down, once again. For some reason she thinks she can hang with me, but she needs to think again. I am not looking forward to doing this again. Foolish me! Should definitely thought better of the having kids decision. I sit sometimes and wonder what my life would be like if I had never had kids. Hmmmm lovely. Don't get me wrong at times kids are a great joy, and on that same day, they're a pain in the ass! Let's just call a spade a spade. I love my son to death, know why? He's only 9mths old. I'm sure I'll one day be bitching about him too. LOL Well that's my rant for Monday, let's hope there isn't one for Tuesday! But that's being waaayyy optimistic. Sheesh!!!


Anonymous said...

Yeah, it's hard when there are two grown women in one house. I say go Bernie Mack on her a**. lol! She's old enough to get punched in the throat.

Just Kiddin' :)


Khoney330 said...

LOL Nic, I know girl. She did get it pretty good.

Anonymous said...


You didn't give up on posting did you? ;)

Khoney330 said...

I'll be back soon.

Anonymous said...

Cool :)