Thursday, November 8, 2007


I know I know! I've only been posting on Mondays and here lately not at all. Well it's Thursday. Sitting here waiting for the phone to ring and so far nothing. All must be well in the world outside of the IT department. So I thought I'd hit yall up with what's been going on.
My daughter has caused me the most drama I have ever had in my life. I'm just about on a first name basis with the police. Ridiculous! It's more than a little bit of stress raising a teenaged girl in this day without the strong father role. Who by the way lives in the city and pays CS, but has chosen to keep his role at a distance.. go figure. His choices will catch him so I choose not to dwell. Wish I could lock her up til she's ready to go to college. But... Still waiting to see what hapens on the personal front with me... the wait is getting tedious. I'll explain if it ever pans out. All else is pretty good. Check yall later.


Khoney330 said...
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Anonymous said...

Well I'll be!!!!!

Sorry to hear that the apple of your eye is acting out. My little sister was pretty out of control at one point. She never got locked up for anything, but there were many-a-time when the police were called to the house because she didn't know how to act. She eventually grew out of it though.

I hope everthing works out for you all.

Also...(whispering) I tagged you.